Commercial Geothermal Projects

Oklahoma Capital Building
- Historical Transition: The Oklahoma State Capitol, a massive 400,000 square foot building, shifted from steam heating to geothermal energy over a decade ago, becoming one of the largest geothermally heated and cooled structures globally.
- Environmental Impact: Geothermal conversion reduced operating costs by 25% or more and nearly eliminated CO2 emissions, highlighting its sustainability benefits.
- Construction Details: RMS Mechanical executed the project, drilling 370 boreholes, each 255 feet deep, for a total of 185,000 feet, and installing two one-inch pipes per borehole.
- Cooling Tower Solution: Despite considering a second well field, a cooling tower efficiently managed excess heat, providing a cost-effective alternative.
- Efficient Pumping: Variable speed pumping with lead-lag pumps optimized efficiency and system reliability, extending pump life and allowing for maintenance.
- ClimateMaster Contribution: ClimateMaster water source heat pumps, ranging from 1/3 to 30 tons, were installed throughout the building, maximizing comfort and enabling easy maintenance.
- Advanced Controls: A computer-controlled building management system oversees all heat pumps, offering flexibility and convenience for maintenance and temperature adjustments.
- Growing Trend: Geothermal systems are increasingly adopted worldwide, offering higher efficiency, eco-friendly refrigerants, and long-lasting warranties, resulting in improved comfort, cost savings, and environmental protection for new and existing buildings."
Preferred choice for Engineers
Tax credits and incentives
- Investment tax credit (ITC) up to 30% of system cost basis
- Domestic content bonus tax credit up to 10% of system cost basis
- Energy community bonus tax credit up to 10% of system cost basis
- Direct-pay option for non-taxable entities
- No cap on total credit amount
- Can be used to offset AMT tax
- Can be used in more than one year
- Can be carried back up to 3 years or transferred/sold to an unrelated party
- Can be combined with solar and other clean energy tax credits
- Click Here for more information.